Corrosive Sweden och Moonshine Avenue

Det rutinerade bandet Corrosive Sweden med mer än 153.000 streams på sin stora hit ”Blood And Panic” kommer till oss på Pipeline för att bjuda på tung hårdrock!
”Corrosive Sweden was formed in 1997 and have since then released number of recordings and performed on a number of clubs and festivals mainly in Sweden. They have had the opportunity play with bands such as The Hellacopters, Amaranthe, Engel, Dead By April, Corroded, Freedom Call, The Kristet Utseende, Smash Into Pieces, Art Nation, Eyes Wide Open among others The band was also invited as special guests for a gig with the Backyard Babies.
Corrosive Sweden has recently released their brand new album Blood And Panic. The recording has been a process over a few years and have mainly been made by the members themselves in their own studio Dark City Sounds. The vocals was recorded by P-O at POL Studio. ”The album has really been worked through and is a pure reflection of our personal lives. It is probably the best material we have done so far”, says the band in an interview. The mixing of the album was done by Erik Berglund. Mastering was done by Kenny Boufadene at Studio Meltdown. Since 2019 Corrosive Sweden is working together with the Swedish label King2Music Records.
The sound of Corrosive Sweden has been described as a hybrid between old school trash metal and melodic metal. The five band members has five different backgrounds when it comes to their personal musical influences. It is a wide range from classic hard rock, trash metal, punk, powermetal to modern metal. This makes the sound of Corrosive Sweden unique, but with recognizable fragments from their musical influences.”
Moonshine Avenue lirar krutladdad hårdrock med smak av örfil och knogmacka.
Bandet bildades i Timrå för ca 10 år sedan och har genom åren spelat på scener runt om i Sverige.
Efter sin spelning på Rock on the Docks i Örnsköldsvik i våras med bla Lillasyster och Corroded så har bandet legat lågt på livefronten men de är nu taggade till tusen och fradgan tuggas med nytt gig i sikte. Det viskas även om att några nya låtar kommer att luftas kvällen till ära.
Insläpp 19.00
Moonshine Avenue 20.00
Corrosive Sweden 21.00
Pris: 100 kronor för medlemmar och 200 för icke medlemmar.