Adhesive, Animal Nights och Fleem

Here they come again…The original line-up with Mathias, Micke, Geir, and Robert will reunite in 2017.
We plan on playing a decent number of shows during the following year or so, and then it’s back to being punk rock retirees again. We bring no new songs, records and whatnot.

Our goal is one thing: Raising money for charity, while having some fun along the way. We’re only in it for the cash. During this period, we will save all profits made from live shows, and donate every penny to one or more charity organisations involved in aiding refugees and victims of conflicts.

Adhesive quit in 2002, after getting to the point where we needed to be more ”business” in order to keep the band growing. The business side of it, however, was never what we sought with starting the band in the first place.
We were, plain and simple, just a bunch of kids with funny haircuts, wanting to hang out as friends and to be creative and have fun together.

The most efficient way of killing honest creativity is making music (or any art) out of the necessity to either make money, or to streamline to attract. Neither of those options appealed to us.
To be honest, there were probably a million more reasons to us calling it quits, but they all boiled down to one thing – it wasn’t fun anymore. Exit Adhesive.

Over the years, we all remained somewhat attached to music in different ways; Robert played drums in Satanic Surfers, as well as running bands of his own (We Live In Trenches, The New Mess). Geir was touring as stage tech/bum/roadie with Satanic Surfers, and also formed The Indecision Alarm with Micke and Mathias. The latter two also had an acoustic band – The Typewriter Romantics, together.
So we never really quit touring or making music.

Ever since we quit, we kept getting reunion offers, sometimes loaded with embarrassing amounts of cash, but we turned them all down. Grumpy old men would probably just spend them on dry cookies and root beer anyways.
Also, reuniting the band for old glory’s sake would have made us look quite stupid. We were never much for nostalgia in the first place.

However, seeing all those other old retired bands reuniting gave us the idea of maybe doing something together again. Not reunite for the sake of it, though – if we were to even consider playing again, we needed something special to make it happen. And by being the pretentious left-wing-anti-fascist PC punks that we are known to be, of course we had to have a plan to do some good instead of just being old dudes taking up space on a stage. And we plan on having some fun and kicking some ass while doing so.

Until we can decide on where we should send the money, here are a couple of places you can visit in the meantime:

Love, Geir, Mathias, Micke and Robert

Fleem (fd Jaernslag) är ett Ångeband med stora influenser från 90-talets punkrock och dagens poppunk.
Med ett nykläckt album i sin framficka och ett gäng stora leenden på läpparna så vill dom ge er en grym kväll med en jävla massa drag och energi.

Animal Nights är en melodisk punktrio från Sundsvall, med erfarna ansikten från Sundsvalls musikliv.
Samtliga bandmedlemmar har bland annat spelat i ”cirkuspunkbandet” Psycho Poetry – men inte samtidigt.

Influenser kommer främst från den amerikanska punkscenen, och ligger genremässigt nära band som
Descendents, All och The Living End – ösigt, melodiskt, välsnickrade låtar och snygga harmonier.

Animal Nights:
Theresa Bystedt: sång, bas
Thomas Björling: gitarr, sång
Olle Groth: trummor


Video: They Live

Singel: They Live

3-spårs självbetitlad EP (2017)


Kulturarrangemang genomförs i samarbete med Sensus.